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There are many companies manufacturing various terrariums on the market, which differ in appearance, size, quality of materials and solutions used. When choosing a terrarium you should take into consideration how it has been constructed and choose the size according to the requirements of its inhabitants and space availability.

Depending on the climate we want to recreate inside the terrarium, the materials should be selected so that they can withstand the conditions inside. A dry desert terrarium does not have to be as water-resistant as a tropical terrarium. However, the temperatures inside a desert terrarium require the tank to be water-resistant. When buying a terrarium, always make sure that the manufacturer has specified how it is to be used. You will avoid problems and your pet will enjoy a comfortable and, above all, safe dwelling for a long time.
In our offer you will find both terrariums designed for desert and humid biotopes. We offer empty tanks for self-arrangement as well as ready-made sets containing everything you need to reproduce a given biotope.
We know that the breeding tanks are to be, above all, functional and safe, and aesthetic values play a lesser role in them. For the needs of breeders we have established cooperation with manufacturers of professional howodl tanks, which are perfect for any breeding of reptiles, amphibians or invertebrates. Easy to maintain hygiene, standard dimensions allowing them to be placed on a shelf and attractive price - in a word, everything breeders need.
For demanding customers for whom design is as important as functionality we have introduced premium terrariums. Made of highly transparent glass with aesthetically polished edges, the tanks make a great impression on everyone. The highest quality parts and exceptionally aesthetic workmanship make such a vivarium the focal point of a flat or office. In order to best adapt the tank to your requirements, we also offer the possibility of ordering terrariums in unusual shapes or sizes.